Governmental solution (Accrual basis accounting)

Nowadays, it is essential to create a thorough consistent financial system in line with accrual basis accounting as the basis for decision-making and reaching the goals, plans, and policies of the government. An integrated system causes the organization information to be collected accurately and precisely; furthermore, the outcome and results will be available for the managers and beneficiaries properly and at the right time period. In addition to this, due to the approval of the public sector accounting system and its being imperative since the year 1394, all governmental organizations are obliged to create software infrastructures based on accrual basis accounting for their financial reports.

Cyber Government

It is undeniable that one of the most important managers’ mind-obsessions in governmental organizations is how to perform these radical fundamental changes and convert from cash basis to accrual basis in addition to choosing appropriate software. Raydana engineering Co. can serve governmental organizations all through these stages benefiting from its highly-qualified experts and consolers and its experience in accrual basis accounting system implementation in governmental organizations. Among the most significant services offered in the system implementation phase, the followings could be referred to:

  • Preparing and gathering coding converter from cash accounting to public sector accrual basis accounting.
  • Defining accounting coding relation with ten floating levels.
  • Transferring coding information based on public sector accounting system.
  • Holding training courses and workshops regarding financial and funds events in accrual basis accounting system.
  • Cooperating to register accounting documents based on accrual basis accounting system and train while stabilizing.
  • Cooperating and training to prepare a property list based on the property guide of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance.
  • Transferring property information accompanied by stabilization location and the property recipient.
  • Cooperating and training regarding financial statements reporting methods.
  • Cooperating and training regarding the method of preparing SENAMA and SENA reports.
  • Cooperating to issue accounts opening and closing documents.
  • Cooperating and offering condolences to extract goods coding and define goods category.
  • Transferring document information at the beginning of the inventories.
  • Transferring personnel, position and jobs, chart, and rulings information.
  • Cooperating and offering condolences to extract goals, plans, budget headings and their relations with account coding.
  • Cooperating with the financial department of the organization in financial and management reporting.

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Cyber Government solution as a successful solution in governmental organizations has the following capabilities in financial systems.

  • Possibility to define account coding based on public sector accrual basis accounting and its relation with ten floating levels.
  • Registration and track of all financial and funds events based on public sector accrual basis accounting.
  • Possibility to get management and financial reports based on public sector standards.
  • Preparation and provision of all governmental financial statements including financial statements, budget and performance comparison statement, cash circulation statement, and explanatory notes.
  • Automatic registration of all financial documents related to other subsystems, such as treasury, salaries, inventory, purchase, property, budgeting, and … .
  • Possibility to register automatic banking discrepancy.
  • Instant view of accounts circulations and balance with powerful tools for accounts review.
  • Provision of SENAMA report based on the protocols of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance.

Cyber Government solution regarding budgeting management of the organization provides the managers with the following facilities:

  • Defining all public sector accrual basis accounting system definitions, assumptions, and standards including the financial year, budget period, and …
  • Supporting budgeting principles and different types of budget-controlling.
  • Possibility to register and track public and specific budget and register budgeting stages (budget approval, credit allocation, funding) and procedures to spend and issue relevant budgeting documents automatically.
  • Possibility to define targets and plans based on the headings of the Program and Budget Organization of the Country and also support the internal targets and plans.
  • Possibility to define quality and quantity indicators regarding the targets of the organization.
  • Possibility to define headings and income & expenditure budget rows, public, specific, and other fund allocations.
  • Possibility to transfer the funds of one heading to another.
  • Possibility to control the credit limits and issue the required warnings.

Process management of goods request, purchase, and fixed asset management are some other benefits of Cyber Government solution:

  • Registration of goods request process from request registration to delivery from the warehouse, and the definition of goods request confirmations cycle.
  • Possibility to control budget mechanism while registering goods request.
  • Supporting moving rhythm average pricing methods, special identification.
  • Instant access to the company’s inventories and trusteeship.
  • Registration of purchase process mechanism and funds control.
  • Possibility to define transaction regulations (total, partial, and minor purchase) in purchase process.
  • Registration of all purchase inquiries mechanically with an algorithm for choosing the best suppliers.
  • Possibility to register and track purchase, contractor, and sales contracts.
  • Definition of property, classification, and registration of all operations related to them based on governmental properties and assets guide.
  • Definition of assets plaque domain and supporting old and new assets plaques.

Cyber Government solution in human resources systems has the following advantages:

  • Supporting the rules and regulations of different employments of the country and the Ministry of Labor.
  • Registering and maintaining all the information related to personnel’s files.
  • Supporting digital signature.
  • Preparing and providing salaries files to banks and country’s treasury.
  • Possibility to provide all services to personnel via personnel’s services subsystem for each personnel.
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