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Despite all the advantages that ERP system implementation has for the organization, these projects execution include various challenges and risks, such as being adaptive to the requirements, projects’ getting too lengthy, project costs, organizational resistance, and etc. which have resulted in a high percentage of failure for these projects in the world. These systems’ being new and lack of certainty in Iran cause these risks to be doubled.

Considering the mentioned points, it is very important to have the ERP implementation feasibility project prior to implementing ERP system in the present organizations to guarantee its success and accurate execution. In this project, the organization is analyzed from different perspectives, and the preparation level of the organization in ERP system acceptance and use is estimated by measuring some necessary indicators.

The output of this project is informing the organization about its own status and conditions and creating the essential infrastructures to accept ERP.

The indicators studied in ERP implementation feasibility project are in the followings. These indicators are analyzed from two perspectives: business and IT.

  • Investment
  • Processes
  • Skills/perceptual power
  • Cultural context of the organization
  • Technology platform
  • Logistics mechanism
  • Architecture
  • Success indicators

The benefits of feasibility examination for the customer

  • Determining the execution time and project implementation
  • Increasing the clearance of ERP system dimensions
  • Clarifying about ERP system execution risks
  • Possibility to recognize and manage ERP system execution risks
crm implementation tips 1